Dikutip dari Kompas.com pada Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 | 03:33 WIB
"Saya justru mencari tahu mengapa merak jawa hijau masih ada," kata Jarwadi B Hernowo, peneliti dan dosen Jurusan Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Jarwadi menyampaikan hasil penelitiannya ini pada Simposium Asosiasi Biologi Tropika dan Konservasi, 19-23 Juli 2010.
Merak jawa hijau (Pavo muticus muticus) salah satu jenis burung paling diburu yang kini nyaris punah. Di tengah kerusakan serta menciutnya hutan yang menggerus ruang-ruang hidup bagi aneka satwa burung itulah Jarwadi berusaha menyibak rahasia daya tahan salah satu spesies merak ini di pulau terpadat Indonesia, yaitu Jawa.
Jarwadi mengembangkan riset atau studi kasus di Taman Nasional Baluran, Alas Purwo, serta Meru Betiri di wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan Jember, Jawa Timur. Ia juga meneliti sebaran merak jawa hijau di hutan-hutan produksi komoditas jati di sekitar taman-taman nasional tersebut.
Di Jawa Barat, Jarwadi mengembangkan risetnya di kawasan hutan Buah Dua, Sumedang. Berikut riset di hutan-hutan pinus di sekitarnya, termasuk hutan di lereng Gunung Cikuray, Garut.
Tidak bergantung
Melalui risetnya, Jarwadi telah mengingatkan pentingnya untuk mengetahui apa saja yang membuat merak hijau jawa masih bisa tetap bertahan hingga sekarang. Dengan mengetahuinya, Jarwadi membuka peluang bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk tetap melestarikan merak jawa hijau.
”Kesimpulannya, merak jawa hijau masih bisa bertahan selama ini karena tidak bergantung kepada hutan,” kata Jarwadi.
Merak jawa hijau masih bisa ditemui Jarwadi di pinggir-pinggir hutan atau taman-taman nasional. Merak jawa hijau itu mendapatkan suplai makanan di padang rumput serta semak belukar yang terdapat di ruang terbuka. Merak jawa hijau adalah hewan herbivor. Mereka memakan dedaunan rerumputan serta bebijian dari buah semak belukar.
Hutan merupakan tempat berlindung. Merak jawa hijau bertengger di dahan pepohonan hutan yang tinggi. Namun, betina merak jawa hijau ketika bertelur dan mengerami telur-telurnya kembali ke semak belukar.
Hutan merupakan tempat berlindung. Merak jawa hijau bertengger di dahan pepohonan hutan yang tinggi. Namun, betina merak jawa hijau ketika bertelur dan mengerami telur-telurnya kembali ke semak belukar.
”Rahasia lain daya tahan merak jawa hijau terletak pada populasi kelompok yang tidak terlampau besar sehingga kelompok-kelompok kecil tersebar hingga bisa mencapai peluang bertahan hidup yang lebih besar,” kata Jarwadi.
Satu kelompok merak jawa hijau bisa berkisar 30 individu. Karakter burung berbobot badan 3 kilogram hingga 5 kilogram ini berpoligami. Satu pejantan merak jawa hijau mengawini 4-7 merak jawa hijau betina. Keunikan lain dijumpai pada tingkat usia populasi merak jawa hijau dalam suatu kelompok.
Karakter usia merak jawa hijau berupa piramida terbalik. Usia merak jawa hijau muda lebih sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan merak jawa hijau tua.
Ada peluang bahwa merak jawa hijau pada usia muda itu lebih suka keluar dari kelompoknya dan hidup mengembara untuk mencari pasangan hidup.
Reog Ponorogo
Menjumpai merak jawa hijau nan molek di Jawa kini barangkali merupakan sebuah kemewahan. Namun, keindahan bulu-bulunya masih bisa kita nikmati sebagai aksesori reog ponorogo. ”Satu reog ponorogo menggunakan sedikitnya 1.000 helai bulu merak jawa hijau,” kata Jarwadi.
Warna bulu jenis merak ini hijau mengilap. Satu ekor merak jawa hijau memiliki sekitar 150 helai bulu. Jenis satwa ini dilarang untuk ditangkap dan diperdagangkan. Kegiatan penangkarannya pun masih teramat langka.
Jumlah populasi di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri pada 2003-2004 berkisar 30 ekor. Di Baluran pada 1995 diketahui masih ada sekitar 100 ekor, sekarang diketahui berkurang menjadi sekitar 75 ekor. ”Di Alas Purwo berbeda. Di sana justru terjadi peningkatan,” kata Jarwadi.
Menurut dia, merak jawa hijau di Alas Purwo pada 1998 diperkirakan mencapai 40 ekor. Pada 2007 ternyata meningkat menjadi 80 ekor. Peningkatan populasi merak jawa hijau ini diduga akibat berkurangnya perburuan. Pembukaan hutan rapat untuk tumpangsari juga menambah ruang hidup bagi merak jawa hijau. ”Saat ini tidak terlambat bagi pemerintah atau kelompok masyarakat yang ingin melestarikan merak jawa hijau,” kata Jarwadi.
Jenis merak, menurut Jarwadi, terbagi berdasarkan warna hijau dan biru. Jenis merak biru masih terdapat di India, sedangkan merak hijau masih tersebar di Jawa, Myanmar, Malaysia, dan Indochina.
Fragmentasi hutan
Jarwadi menyebutkan, fragmentasi hutan adalah ancaman serius bagi keberlangsungan keragaman genetika merak jawa hijau ataupun satwa liar lain. Fragmentasi hutan adalah berupa kondisi terbelahnya hutan oleh pengalihan fungsi untuk perkebunan, pertanian, atau permukiman.
Fragmentasi menjadikan hutan tak lagi berupa satu keutuhan. Hutan makin terbagi-bagi menjadi bagian lebih kecil. Pada akhirnya, peluang interaksi populasi merak jawa hijau terhadap populasi lainnya terpisahkan. Peluang untuk kawin silang menjadi kian sempit.
”Fragmentasi hutan menyebabkan merosotnya gen-gen merak jawa hijau akibat kawin dengan anggota populasi yang sama,” kata Jarwadi. Anggota populasi yang sama kemungkinan besar sedarah karena merak jawa hijau berpoligami.
”Fragmentasi hutan menyebabkan merosotnya gen-gen merak jawa hijau akibat kawin dengan anggota populasi yang sama,” kata Jarwadi. Anggota populasi yang sama kemungkinan besar sedarah karena merak jawa hijau berpoligami.
Akibat dari perkawinan sedarah itu memerosotkan kualitas genetika merak jawa hijau. Ancaman berikutnya, daya tahan merak hijau jawa akan semakin melemah sehingga akan menuju kepunahan. Hal ini berlaku pula bagi jenis satwa lain. Jarwadi mencemaskan keberadaan merak jawa hijau sekarang.
Asosiasi Biologi Tropika dan Konservasi (The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation/ATBC) merupakan perhimpunan para biolog dunia. Konferensi asosiasi ini dimulai pada 1963 dan Indonesia sudah terlibat menjadi peserta sejak awal.
Tahun ini merupakan kali pertama Indonesia menjadi penyelenggara dan tuan rumah konferensi ATBC. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) dan Universitas Indonesia (UI) ditunjuk untuk mengorganisasi penyelenggaraan kegiatan yang melibatkan 900 ilmuwan di bidang biologi dari sekitar 60 negara tersebut.
Sebanyak 40 simposium digelar untuk mempresentasikan 464 naskah selama empat hari (20-23 Juli 2010). Menurut Kepala LIPI Lukman Hakim, hasil riset lainnya dituangkan ke dalam poster yang digelar mencapai 200 lembar meski pada kenyataannya jauh lebih sedikit dari jumlah tersebut.
Peneliti senior dari Lembaga Center for International Forestry Research (Cifor), Daniel Murdiyarso, mengatakan, persoalan penting sekarang ini salah satunya adalah makin hilangnya berbagai biodiversitas atau keanekaragaman hayati. Kehilangan biodiversitas secara tidak langsung bisa berdampak terhadap kelangsungan pangan.
Presiden ATBC Profesor Frans Bongers, dalam konferensi pers pencanangan Deklarasi Bali dari konferensi ATBC 2010, menyatakan, dengan banyaknya keanekaragaman hayati yang terjaga dengan baik, kita dapat berbuat banyak untuk mencapai hal-hal yang lebih baik.
Melalui risetnya, Jarwadi telah mengingatkan pentingnya untuk mengetahui apa saja yang membuat merak hijau jawa masih bisa tetap bertahan hingga sekarang. Dengan mengetahuinya, Jarwadi membuka peluang bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk tetap melestarikan merak jawa hijau.(Nawa Tunggal)
"I just find out why Java green peacock is still there," said Jarwadi B Hernowo, researcher and lecturer at the Department of Forest Resources Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. Jarwadi deliver the results of this research at the Symposium of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 19 to 23 July 2010.
Java green peacock (Pavo muticus muticus) one of the most hunted bird species are now almost extinct. Amid the destruction and shrinking forest that eroded the living spaces for a variety of birds that tried to uncover the secret Jarwadi durability is one of the peacock species in the most populous island of Indonesia, namely Java.
Java green peacock (Pavo muticus muticus) one of the most hunted bird species are now almost extinct. Amid the destruction and shrinking forest that eroded the living spaces for a variety of birds that tried to uncover the secret Jarwadi durability is one of the peacock species in the most populous island of Indonesia, namely Java.
Jarwadi develop research or case studies in Baluran National Park, Alas Purwo, and Meru Betiri in Banyuwangi and Jember, East Java. He also investigated the distribution of Java peacock green in the forests of teak commodity production around national parks. In West Java, Jarwadi develop his research in the forests of Fruit Two, Sumedang. Following research in pine forests in the surrounding areas, including forests on the slopes of Mount Cikuray, Garut.
Does not depend
Through his research, Jarwadi been reminded the importance to find out what makes the Java green peacock can still survive until now. By knowing it, Jarwadi open opportunities for governments and communities to continue to preserve the Javanese peacock green.
"In conclusion, peacock green Javanese still lasted this long because it does not depend on the forests," said Jarwadi.
Java green peacock Jarwadi can still be found at the edges of forests or national parks. Java green peacock get food supplies in the meadow and shrub found in open spaces. Java green peacock is a herbivore animals. They eat leaves, grasses and seeds from the fruit bushes.
Forest is a place of refuge. Java green peacock perched in the branches of tall forest trees. However, female Javan peacock green when laying eggs and incubating the eggs back into the bush.
"Another secret of Java green peacock durability lies in the population group that is not too large so that small groups can spread out to achieve survival chances are greater," said Jarwadi. One group of Javanese peacock green can range from 30 individuals. Character bird body weighs 3 kilograms to 5 kilograms is polygamy. One male peacock green Java Java green peacock 4-7 marry a female. Another uniqueness found at the level of java green peacock population age in a group. Character age Javan peacock green inverted pyramid form. Java green peacock young age less when compared with Java peacock green. There is a chance that the Javanese peacock green at a young age that prefers to live out of the group and wander to find a spouse.
Reog Ponorogo
Java green peacock encounter nan comely in Java is probably now a luxury. However, the beauty of the feathers still we can enjoy as an accessory reog ponorogo. "One reog ponorogo use at least 1,000 pieces of Java green peacock feathers," said Jarwadi.
This type of peacock feather color glossy green. One of Java green peacock tail has about 150 strands of hair. These species are prohibited to be captured and traded. Penangkarannya activity was still very rare.
This type of peacock feather color glossy green. One of Java green peacock tail has about 150 strands of hair. These species are prohibited to be captured and traded. Penangkarannya activity was still very rare.
Total population in Meru National Park in 2003-2004 ranged Betiri 30 individuals. In Baluran in 1995 found there are still about 100 birds, now known to be reduced to around 75 head. "In Alas Purwo different. There actually was increasing, "said Jarwadi.
According to him, peacock green in Alas Purwo Java in 1998 is estimated at 40 individuals. In 2007 was increased to 80 tails. Java green peacock population increase is expected due to reduced hunting. Forest opening meeting for intercropping also add living space for the Java peacock green. "It is not too late for the government or community groups who want to preserve the Javanese peacock green," said Jarwadi.
Type peacock, according Jarwadi, divided by the color green and blue. Type of peacock blue is still there in India, while the green peacock is still scattered in Java, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indochina.
According to him, peacock green in Alas Purwo Java in 1998 is estimated at 40 individuals. In 2007 was increased to 80 tails. Java green peacock population increase is expected due to reduced hunting. Forest opening meeting for intercropping also add living space for the Java peacock green. "It is not too late for the government or community groups who want to preserve the Javanese peacock green," said Jarwadi.
Type peacock, according Jarwadi, divided by the color green and blue. Type of peacock blue is still there in India, while the green peacock is still scattered in Java, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indochina.
Forest Fragmentation
Jarwadi mentioned, forest fragmentation is a serious threat to the survival of the genetic diversity of Javanese peacock green or other wildlife. Forest fragmentation is a condition of break-up of forests by the transfer function for plantations, agriculture, or settlement.
Fragmentation of forests is no longer made in the form of wholeness. Forest further divided into smaller sections. In the end, the chance interaction of Java green peacock population to other populations separated. Opportunity to interbreed become increasingly narrow.
"Fragmentation of forests led to decline in the genes of peacock green java from mating with members of the same population," said Jarwadi. Members of the same population are likely Javan peacock green blood because polygamy.
Fragmentation of forests is no longer made in the form of wholeness. Forest further divided into smaller sections. In the end, the chance interaction of Java green peacock population to other populations separated. Opportunity to interbreed become increasingly narrow.
"Fragmentation of forests led to decline in the genes of peacock green java from mating with members of the same population," said Jarwadi. Members of the same population are likely Javan peacock green blood because polygamy.
As a result of inbreeding that memerosotkan genetic quality Javanese peacock green. The next threat, Java green peacock resistance to fizzle out so that will go to extinction. This also applies to other species. Jarwadi worried about the existence of Java green peacock now.
Tropical Biology and Conservation Association (The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation / ATBC) is an association of biologists world. Conference of this association began in 1963 and Indonesia has involved a participant from the beginning.
This year is the first time Indonesia became the organizer and host the ATBC conference. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Universitas Indonesia (UI) was appointed to organize the implementation of activities involving 900 scientists in the field of biology from about 60 countries. As many as 40 symposia were held to present the 464 manuscripts for four days (20 to 23 July 2010). According to Head of LIPI Lukman Hakim, the results of other research poured into a poster that was held to 200 sheets though in reality much less than that amount.
This year is the first time Indonesia became the organizer and host the ATBC conference. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Universitas Indonesia (UI) was appointed to organize the implementation of activities involving 900 scientists in the field of biology from about 60 countries. As many as 40 symposia were held to present the 464 manuscripts for four days (20 to 23 July 2010). According to Head of LIPI Lukman Hakim, the results of other research poured into a poster that was held to 200 sheets though in reality much less than that amount.
Senior researcher of the Institute's Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Daniel Murdiyarso, said the important issue now is one of them is the loss of biodiversity or biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity could indirectly affect the sustainability of food. ATBC President Professor Frans Bongers, in a press conference launching the Bali Declaration of the ATBC conference 2010, declared, with a number of biodiversity is well maintained, we can do much to achieve things better.
Through his research, Jarwadi been reminded the importance to find out what makes the Java green peacock can still survive until now. By knowing it, Jarwadi open opportunities for governments and communities to continue to preserve the Javanese peacock green.
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